Diversity & Inclusion

Junior employees ask senior employees
Working at Bridgestone Software

Bridgestone Software offers extensive employee benefits to create a workplace where each employee can work in good spirits while being themselves. A junior employee interviews a senior employee about what programs are specifically available and how they are utilized.


  • A.S.


    Joined in 2017. Product Development System Department

    After joining the company in 2017 as a new graduate, A.S. was engaged in system development on the formulation team. She currently oversees system development on the tire design and quality assurance team.

  • K.M.


    Joined in 2015. SCM System Department No. 2

    Since joining the company as a new graduate in 2015, engaged in the development of a domestic tire sales management system.
    Moved to the current department in July 2019 and was in charge of developing the tire demand / supply planning screen.


  • E.Y.


    Joined in 2010. Digital Innovation Promotion Department

    E.Y. is involved in the development of systems related to factories and design. After taking maternity and childcare leave twice, she is currently in charge of investigations and research to encourage data utilization.

  • T.S.


    Joined in 2014. Infrastructure Technology Department

    T.S. is in charge of the operation and maintenance of the peripheral environment of computers, mobile devices, emails, networks, and security used by all employees of the Bridgestone Group.

Theme 01

How do you balance work and private life?

  • How do you balance work and private life?

    When my child was younger, I used the reduced working hour system. This system allows employees to reduce the prescribed working hours for up to three hours a day. I took advantage of this system to keep a good balance between work and raising a child.
    Although I work full time now, I cannot work overtime because I have to go and pick up my child. I strive to increase my work efficiency by cutting the time for meetings and reporting to my supervisor and co-workers frequently.

  • How do you balance work and private life?

    I use the flexible work-hour system. While regular working hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., I cannot come to work on time sometimes after dropping my child off at nursery school. In such a case, I can ask my supervisor beforehand to obtain approval to come to work late. I see many other employees using this system.

Balanced work and family life in figures.

  • Maternity leave acquisition rate100%
  • Return rate after acquiring childcare leave100%

Platinum Kurumin

Platinum Kurumin
In 2014, we acquired the “Kurumin” certification from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as a “childcare support company” that is enthusiastically working to support the balance between work and childcare. In 2017, the Bridgestone Group became the first company to receive the “Platinum Kurumin” certification, which is given to companies that are making even higher standards of efforts.
In recent years, we have held childcare support system briefings for managers and male employees, and in 2022 we achieved a childcare leave acquisition rate of 50% for male employees. We are currently promoting various activities with the aim of becoming a company where employees can balance childcare and work regardless of gender.

White Mark

In April 2023, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare announced that our company has been recognized as a company with excellent safety and health (white mark) for our proactive efforts to take measures to ensure the safety and health of our workers and to maintain and improve our high safety and health standards. )” certification.
In recent years, we have formulated an implementation plan for health and safety education, health and mental health measures, and have held food seminars and exercise events.
In addition, we are also focusing on work-life balance initiatives, such as taking 80% of annual paid leave and checking overtime hours weekly and implementing countermeasures to reduce overtime work.
Theme 02

In what way do you think it is an good company to work for?

  • In what way do you think it is an good company to work for?

    I took maternity leave about two years after joining the company. Because I was not fully qualified then, I remember being worried thinking, “Can I keep up?” before returning to work.
    Even so, thanks to the computer I borrowed from General Affairs, I was able to access information about the company anytime. I also had an interview with the section chief before returning from leave to discuss various subjects, including job descriptions and my concerns after going back to work.
    I also appreciate the system of taking child caregiving leave when my child gets sick.

  • In what way do you think it is an good company to work for?

    Bridgestone Software encourages employees to use teleworking as part of its effort to improve operational efficiency. In my case, my wife and I take turns participating in school or nursery school events, such as parent meetings. This system enables me to work from home in the morning and go to a parent meeting in the afternoon, allowing for a flexible workstyle.
    In addition, the guidelines for the use of these systems are being organized to make the flow from submitting a request to obtaining approval more smooth. This also makes it easy for employees to use the system.

Workable environment in numbers

  • Telework Allowance System
  • Flextime system (without core)
Theme 03

What is your ideal workstyle?

  • What is your ideal workstyle?

    Although I am so busy balancing work and home life now, the ideal is to create more time that I can spend with my children. Because employees can take advantage of reduced working hours, teleworking, child caregiving leave, flexible work hours, and other well-organized systems, I want to continue using them effectively to bring my workstyle closer to this ideal.

  • What is your ideal workstyle?

    It is important to prioritize work for as long as you are part of a company. Even so, it is important to have some time with your family and your own private time. Employees are very lucky to have such an environment because the company offers extensive employee benefits to achieve a work balance at their own discretion.
    In addition, although there are some male employees who use childcare leave, I had the impression that it is still very low. I am looking forward to seeing a more workable environment where it becomes more commonplace for male employees to use childcare leave.

Message to students

Message to students

While there are 312 employees (As of April 2024) in the company, a lot of the work is large in scale and require great responsibility because we take charge of operations related to the entire Bridgestone Group. That is why it is essential for employees to proceed with a project while communicating with various people, such as clients, supervisors, and team members, instead of working alone. I want to work with people who are curious about everything and want to try new things, as well as those who can respect their supervisors, senior employees, and co-workers.
After interviewing senior employees

After interviewing senior employees

Before joining the company, I had the impression that the company offered great systems. Even so, I think there is a big difference between having a system and actually using the system. After listening to the opinions of senior employees, I became more aware that employees are making effective use of various systems, including flexible work hours, teleworking, and childcare leave. We are lucky to have an environment where we can also use these systems effectively when needed to realize a smarter and more personalized workstyle.